Be a Host Group
Family Promise’s shelter program relies on a partnership of interfaith congregations and other volunteer service groups to help local families facing homelessness. Our hosts are responsible to collaborate at the Family Housing Center by assisting with the dinner meal and providing hospitality to families in need.
For families in the program, each day begins with breakfast prepared in their kitchens followed by a work with the support specialists on their housing plan. In the evening, guests return to the Family Housing Center , where volunteers provide dinner and spend some quality time. The evening hours are for homework, relaxing and family fun time, as they would be with any family. Each day ends with the family all together, in their own room, with their own bathroom, under one roof.
Volunteer Groups
Local congregations and organizations provide support for the Family Housing Center. A host group of volunteers may be involved with the following:
Providing salads and desserts for the dinner meal
Serving and cleaning up after dinner meal ​
Acting as evening host to admit residents into the building between 8 and 10 pm (one volunteer works with a paid staff) ​​
Laundry- washing towels and bedding after residents move out.
Providing support in the form of gas cards, gift cards and celebratory supplies.
For more details, click the button below.
Each volunteer group provides support for just one week, four times a year​​
Congregations/ organizations can be teamed up with other organizations to share the workload through the week.
Committed Host Congregations & Organizations
Blessed Trinity
Christ the King
Church of Jesus Christ, Latter Day Saints
First Presbyterian
First United Methodist Church
Immanuel Lutheran
Providence Health Center
St Anthony
St Francis Xavier
St Paul Lutheran
Committed Support Congregations & Organizations
Atonement Lutheran​
Emmaus Campus Ministry​
Loyola Sacred Heart Key Club
Missoula Friends Meeting
Grace United Methodist Church
Our Savior Lutheran - Bonner
St Anthony Parish
St Ann Catholic Church
Spirit of Peace
Unitarian Universalist
Waypoint Church
We need your help! Can your congregation or organization become a host or support group?